Train Yourself to Live A Life You Love!

Dreon Coaching
  • Have you ever felt distracted by school, work, or family obligations?
  • Have you ever felt the competition schedules were just too much?
  • Have you ever felt like your goals were not in line with the people around you?
  • Have you ever felt like you just weren’t performing to your ability?

An elite athlete does not need to be told to work hard or push to the limit.  We already have those qualities, and that motivation. We are competitors…most of the time. 

You and your athlete might just need some Mindset Coaching.

Coaching For Elite Athletes and Their Families

This one-of-a-kind coaching program offers group coaching in a 5 week virtual workshop.  The workshop includes mindset and mobility through alignment practices. Visualization techniques and goal setting are taught through the creative structure. 

  Athletes will create a focus that eliminates distraction, allows schedules to flow, and holds alignment with their goals no matter what is going on around them.

The workshop also includes one personal session with the athlete.  As a bonus, you will gain access to recorded webinars and practices that you can return to at any time.

Weekly sessions for athletes are offered throughout the year for those who wish to continue their creative development.

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Group Coaching

Five week workshops for athletes include weekly sessions focused on mindset and mobility.  

Each session builds a structure for elite achievement. Athletes learn how to identify sabotaging beliefs and refocus energy to instill a champion mindset.

Practice Sessions

All practice sessions include physical and mental components that are available for you to revisit as needed throughout the season.

Weekly sessions for athletes are offered throughout the year for those who wish to continue their creative development.

1:1 Coaching

These sessions are private and fully focused on your needs.  

Various processes and techniques will be used to release and recode any resistance towards ultimate achievement.

DoLive Dreon

Who is Dreon?

Mother of two elite athletes, artist, coach, and trainer. Let her lead you to love the life you live, and set a structure for ultimate success.

Do Live a Life You Love.